Friday, February 4, 2011

Warm hands

...wrapped around a pint of ice cream is one of my all-time favorite things. Let me tell you, there is nothing worse than freezing your butt & your hands off on a very cold day as you try to get your ice cream on. I've been meaning to alter my coffee cozy (yes, I know I need to make a post about that) to fit a pint, but I just have not gotten around to it. I think that is partially because I've been laying off the pints recently, but mostly just because I'm lazy (holla!).

Well I recently found this pattern at Ragabaebe and seeing as it's a quick crochet, I figured I'd just whip one up. This saves me the trouble of having to adjust the measurements of my coffee cozy, cut out the pattern, trace the pattern, cut out the fabric (I. Hate. Cutting.) and then sew it all together just to see if it fits!!! That's very important to note, because... well... it might not fit the first time! This way I'm only out a couple minutes if it doesn't fit, & unraveling yarn is far less stressful than having to use my seam ripper or throw away the fabric. Plus, yarn is so easy to reuse!

Unintentionally matching my cozy to the pint
I'm waiting for a response on a question I had about said pattern, so while I'm taking a crochet intermission, I thought I'd share my progress! I'm only on Row 4, so not very far, but I'm happy with what I've managed to whip up so far. I believe I'm at the point where the cozy will turn up and wrap around the sides of the pint. I cannot wait until it's finished so I can try it out. I also can't wait to make sure it works ok, because I have an aunt who will be going into surgery soon and I thought this would be the perfect get-well-quickly-while-eating-pints-of-ice-cream present! So very excited!

Maybe I should run to the market while I wait for a response!!

Will update with finished product soon!

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